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Saved by Premasagar Rose
on May 9, 2009 at 9:26:41 pm

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Join or Create a Hack Team

Someone suggested to create a page to track people looking for hackers to make a team. If you want to create or join a team why don't you add your request here?


Team Size

We are limiting team sizes to no more than 4 members. Anything more we believe is a) not fair to individuals & smaller teams and b) probably not optimal for a creating a hack! So please limit your teams to 4. Thanks.


Team Name

Creator (Contact + Skills)

or Looking to join a Team

Team Members (Contact + Skills)

or Wannabe Team Members



cmehta[at]yahoo-inc[dot]com + Pbwiki Hacker
  1. apatel[at]yahoo-inc[dot]com + pbwiki hacker
  2. nelsonvm foobar + ideator
  3. Looking for a PHP & Maps expert





Simon Harriyott 



  1. Simon Harriyott - C# ASP.NET SQL Server
  2. Marvin Barretto - (X)HTML CSS
  3. Jez Nicholson - Grails, Java, Hibernate, XML, GIS, SCRUM
  4. Frankie Roberto - Werewolf


TBA peder fjällström, http://earthpeople.se. let's put something live within 24h.

1. peder (php/codeigniter/mysql/wordpress/jquery/makingstuffhappen)

2. Design/UX

3. Frontend

4. ?

TBA Mark Harwood - http://phunky.co.uk
Adam Ray - http://allthatflash.co.uk

1. Mark - PHP/MySQL/CSS/XHTML/ExtJS/JavaScript

2. Adam - SEO/Flash/Arduino/Anything Techy

Looking for anyone else intrested in working with a couple of northerners!

The London Geek Community OSCestra Jim Purbrick (http://jimpurbrick.com) Music, Games, Second Life, VR, AR, C++, Python, Django Wanted: 14 people with iphones or wiimotes to play in a wireless networked, osc controlled electronic orchestra!
-- DROP TABLE users; None. we are all equal.

Sven - sarcasm, cyniscism, fire

Paul[0] - Fracture repairs, drinking, hangingover

Willem - tall, tufty, bike folding, climbing

Paul[1] - numbers, words, random acronyms


All equal


1. Martin (PHP/MySQL) http://sarsini.it

2. Paul (design/HTML/CSS)

3. Eren (Java/PHP/MySQL/Javascript) - erenaykin[at]yahoo[dot]com

4. Ben (PHP/MySQL/jQuery/HTML/CSS) - http://bendodson.com/


Premasagar Rose, http://premasagar.com / http://dharmafly.com 

"Freecycle" exists as a way for local communities to share items that they no longer want. Like eBay, for free. However, it operates as a collection of closed, private Yahoo Groups mailing lists. We want to build an open system: searchable, with feeds, and available to mashup with Greasemonkey in shopping sites and eBay - e.g. "don't buy this item, you can get it for free on Freecycle"...

1. Prem  (jQuery, JavaScript, Greasemonkey, microformats, Yahoo Pipes, geo mapping, open APIs), p[at]dharmafly[dot]com

2. Tom Leitch (Perl, and everything)


Graeme Sutherland @grasuth - python, appengine, jQuery, widgets, etc


TagWang could be a game or some serious search thing.  not sure.  Could stray into BOSS / search / sharding / map-reduce



1. @JonMarkwell (Rails / Going to give Django a go)

2.  @JimCallender

TBA mmm

1. Marko Mrdjenovic (HTML/CSS/JS)

2. Marko Samastur (Python/Django/JS)

3. Looking for designer & visualization skills

Open Source Security Key (Extra long working title) Alistair MacDonald ( http://www.agm.me.uk/contact ). More project info on my blog.

Looking for team members with microcontroller knowledge (including Arduino), members with good encription and security knowledge, web developers (I am thinking PHP and OpenID, plus libries in other langua), and anyone else who wants to join in.

1) Alistair MacDonald

2) Caz Mockett - Willing to weild a soldering iron if necessary, otherwise happy to fiddle with front-end stuff. http://cazmockett.com/blog   @cazm



Flickr Notes Discussion Hack (Ed & Anna)

Ed - @misced (twitter)

Anna - @anna_debenham (twitter)

(Also looking for a back-end python developer)
Girl Geek Dinners Site (updating live) Re-Design

Sarah - @GirlyGeekdom

YQL global feed

Flickr -> events/ posts

CForm -> Calendar & Upcoming API + Map of events

Anything else cool that you can think of...

map per location also as suggested by @AlisonW if there's time.

1. Sarah - Site owner, mysql, storage & data

2. Peder Fjällström - Wordpress, plugins etc

3. Looking for css designer.

4. Anyone who fancies joining us. :)

Individuals seeking teams
    David W (PHP/MySQL/HTML/JavaScript/c# ASP.NET) twitter @wright593
    AlisonW (MySQL/PHP/Graphics)  - @AlisonW
    AndrewL I do geo stuff. php, ror, js, c++, mapserver, db. looking for an *interesting* geo hack. twitter @andrewl
    Julian Burgess @aubergene (Ruby/Rails/HTML) maps, twitter whatever as long as we release something good


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